«There is a mole. At the very top. The source has been in place for years»
- John le Carre
Artificial Intelligence and neural networks has in the last year fundamentally changed the early game, favoring aggressive moves along the margins. We went to Paris to explore some of the new rules of the game.
Willingness to sacrifice for easy gains in the early game
Favouring aggressive moves along the margins
The king is a target from the first move
A secondary objective is to always keep our own king out of danger and mischief
A stable, central situation is the key to opening lines of attack
Attacks from the margins will only happen if we have a stable center, so that no counterattack is possible
Willingness to sacrifice material in the early stages to open lines or diagonals to the king will be preferred
Always seek to combine open files and diagonals against stronger pieces
Always look for the exception to the rules
Love attacking with opposite colored bishops
Keep seeking for those great outposts for the knights, gladly sacrifice to get them there
Excel at building wing attacks directly on the king from that stable centre
Win by making the opposite pieces passive, and kill off the opposite active pieces
Defend by creating confusion and messing up the opposition tactics.
Deadline Art Collective walked the streets of Paris, looking for better strategies and other options. Their constant companion on this trip was a well thumbed copy of «Gamechanger» by Mathew Sadler and Natasja Regan