We are a collective of visual storytellers that explores the boundaries of artistic expression in many forms – from photography, poetry, prose and architecture, to the exploration of physical spaces and performances.
A key initiative is our Deadline Art work where two quiet, suited gentlemen explore places close to the edge. They work. They annoy us. They crawl under bridges and climb over obstacles. They challenge the world around them and they create art under strict timeframes. They call it Deadline Art. What follows is a timeline of the Deadline Art projects.
The Paradox of Choice (2022)
Returning to Jämtland for the fifth and final installment in the «Jämtland cycle» deadline art project (August 2022)
The Guardians of the Tragic Poet (2022)
Gotland in February, north to south and east to west. (February 2022)
Requiem for Slussen, mvt. 9 (2022)
Corona edition. Together with Susanne Wahlström, as always. (January 2022)
Requiem for Slussen, mvt. 8 (2021)
The golden bridge in place, the Slussen story becomes even more complicated. Together with Susanne Wahlström, as always. (December 2021)
Secret Handshake, the measuring (2021)
A new collaboration with A W Bauer and the incomparable tailor Frederik Anderson, measuring us for the next generation Deadline Art outfits (October 2021)
The Fifth Season (2021)
Returning to Jämtland for the fourth installment in the “Jämtland cycle” our meandering paths somehow led us to the Fifth Season, a journey out of time and place. (August 2021)
Soft Spoken (2020)
Jämtland keeps us on our toes. In this third installment of the “Jämtland Cycle” we follow new paths in the blistering cold of November. None of this could happen without Johan Bergmark. (November 2020)
Requiem for Slussen, mvt. 7 (2020)
While the bridge was being celebrated we walked back paths. Together with Susanne Wahlström, as always. (April 2020)
Walking//Falling (2018)
Paris beacons. And the mysteries of chess as interpreted by Cold War spies and Alpha. (October 2018)
In Through The Out Door (2019)
Back in Jämtland. This time on a side quest, carefully (and lovingly) managed by the one and only Johan Bergmark. (March 2019)
No Exit (2019)
Back in Jämtland. Together with Johan Bergmark, genius artist and friend. (May 2019)
Requiem for Slussen, mvt. 6 (2020)
Back in Stockholm. Going under the surface with Mr. Valentine. As always a collaboration with Susanne Wahlström (April 2020)
A Stitch in Time (2019)
Going to Londonderry, Northern Ireland for the first time since 1988. (November 2019)
12 Things (2018)
Some journeys are deceptively short.
Like this small project with Peter Hoelstad
around Södertälje exploring farming implements
and friendship. (September 2018)
Requiem for Slussen, mvt. 5 (2018)
Inside the fences again. As always with the incomparable Susanne Wahlström. (July 2018)
He Is My Brother (2018)
You can never return. This time we were invited by Hjo Art Fair to cast our eyes on Hjo during three intense days in May. (May 2018)
Time and Time Again (2017)
Deadline art project exploring time and space in a Budapest that is beyond history and time.
Eirik V Johnsen and Kristian Pohl walked the streets of Budapest with the friendly guidance of Antonia, Lena, Ester and Stefan. Thank you so much for all help and support!. (November 2017)
Requiem for Slussen, mvt. 4 (2017)
As the work progress we get in touch with Skanska and are invited to see another side of the Slussen. A new future. With the irrepressible and incredible Susanne Wahlström. (August 2017)
Burial of a Dream (2017)
Deadline art project set in a quarry 40 miles outside of Stockholm in the middle of of the Stockholm archipelago. Eirik V Johnsen and Kristian Pohl buried the dream together with Johan Bergmark and Ulf Berglund (May 2017)
Other Side of Wisdom (2016)
Deadline art project set in the North-West quadrant of wales, exploring the limits of friendship within the confines of a 1961 Mini, converted to Cooper standard. Eirik V Johnsen and Kristian Pohl drove those back streets. (February 2016)
Requiem for Slussen, mvt. 3 (2016)
Deadline art project set in Slussen, revisiting this site of confusion, destructon and demolition. The quiet gentlemen donned their coveralls and got down to work. Eirik V Johnsen and Kristian Pohl wore the coveralls. Stockholm city and Skanska demolished the old Slussen. Susanne Walström documented the journey. (October 2016)
Red Sector (2016)
Deadline art project set Soknadalstrand in the abandoned lighthouse at Lille Presteskjær and the mine across the road. Eirik V Johnsen and Kristian Pohl wore the suits. Anki Gneib and Annica Thomsson walked with us and created the magic. Helge Kasin wrote the words and Fredrik Mathiesson added his unique magic. (April 2016)
Off the Grid (2015)
Deadline art project set in the Faroe islands. Ranging from the deep fiords in the North East to an abandoned NATO base close to Torshavn the suited gentlemen went off the grid in search of another country. Eirik V Johnsen and Kristian Pohl wore the suits. Annica Thomsson supported our gallery work in the final stages. (October 2015)
Where Everything Changes (2015)
Deadline art project set in in Venice, Italy exploring time and history. Venice is a place out of time, where past, present and future intermingle and interact with an effortless grace. Eirik V Johnsen and Kristian Pohl wore the suits. (September 2015)
Requiem For Slussen, Movement 1 (2013)
Kristian Pohl and Eirik V Johnsen are back and they are now very close to home. The SX-70 Europe project has always been about borders and outposts, but this time they have found one in Kristians home town and are embarking on a long term experimental documentary venture with Susanne Walström.
Männen i arbetskläder är huvudfigurer i SX-70, ibland är de kostymklädda, ibland kan de dyka upp i rena cameoroller som sig själva. De dyker gärna upp i utkanten av något vi redan känner till. Där uppstår ofta en dialog mellan männen och staden de besöker.
Nippy Guilt (2014)
Bruno Magazine asked mentalpropell.com to undertake a journey in a Fiat 500CC to support their upcoming «car upholstery» issue. We asked Susanne Walström to create the images and travelled to Ekerö north of Stockholm on a fraught journey. (December 2014)
Deformation Zone Yellow (2013)
In Kiruna the miners follow a diagonal shaft of ore that «lean in» under the city. As they dig deeper the deformation zones are getting too close to the city – by 2013 key utilities like railroad, power, water and roads have been rerouted and moved. From the end of 2013 to 2033 about 3 000 homes will be moved as well.
Mentalpropell was in Kiruna on the 21st and 22nd of september 2013 and explored the deformation zones. (September 2013)
Mortimers Eye, 2013
We are proud and happy to introduce a new collaborative project – this time with Anki Gneib who has created the enigmatic EYESHINE artefacts that we explore along the western coast of Norway.
She calls them «EYESHINE» but for us they will always be «Mortimers Eye». This is the story of our journey down the Atlantic highway («Atlanterhavsveien») and how we emerged beyond the looking glass.
Anki Gneib created the shapes and mirrors, Kristian Pohl and Eirik V Johnsen drove down the highway in january 2013.
Sendings and Receiving, 2012
This is our first collaborative project. We worked together with Lavasir Nordrum in his project «Wherever You Go – There You Are» – a digital poetry project with ambitions to poetically observe the wider cultural, religious and geographical meaning of borders.
We also interpreted each location for our own project «Sendings / Receivings»
Our starting point was the beach of Guadalmesi – the point in Europe that is closest to Africa. We then moved to the beach of Eddalya in Morroco – the point in Africa that is closest to Europe. In both places the suited gentlemen explored the meaning of borders.
Eirik V Johnsen, Kristian Pohl and Lavasir Nordrum walked the beaches in may 2012. Read more about «Whereever You Go …» by Lavasir here.
Silent Cargo, 2011
The quiet, suited gentlemen of SX-70 Europe has undertaken the task of exploring «The tears of christ» in the deep Finnish woods of Sievi, where master craftsmen have toiled since june to create HOLY – a monumental piece, cared from a single piece of wood.
This is the first project in «Overland Express» – a new mentalpropell.com project initiative where the artists are on a mission to transport a consignment from a source to a receiver. The rest is up to the journey
We hope you are tempted to enter and explore the world of Silent Cargo. Anki Gneib created the monumental candlesticks. Eirik V Johnsen and Kristian Pohl drove in november 2011.
Silent Cargo is our 15th SX-70 Europe deadline art project at mentalpropell.com
Calm Like You, 2011
After Iceland we realized that we needed new threads. We contacted Richard Anderson on Savile Row and he agreed to fit us for two suits that are optimized for future dresscode projects. Our rebirth into our new suits is documented here.
Thanks to Anders Fagerhus for the design assist in the original version.
Blind Mans Bluff, 2010
Inside-Out | Outside-In
Blind mans bluff is a childrens game played in a limited area.
Our projects are always exploring outposts and borders. On Iceland the borders are almost physical, dividing sea, sky and the strange, beautiful, tortured mass of stone, lava, earth and water that make up the land.
This time we met an almost primal landscape gently molded by an easygoing, friendly, tough and resilient people.
Reykjavik, september 2010
Plan Bravo, 2010
The poetry of the slow season
Sälen is a popular winter destination in Sweden. Like any season resort it is a lovely place to visit out of season, when the money making machine is set aside and everybody relaxes a bit more. We have always been fascinated with the poetry of abandoned places, and Sälen off season sure had a lot of poetry to offer us.
Sälen, april 2010
Zwischen, 2009
What happens afterwards?
ZWISCHEN shows what happens in a city landscape when two photographers decide to change the landscape by becoming part of it.
This is a lab project, extending the experiences from "DRESSCODE: Guardians of the tragic poet". Kristian Pohl and Eirik Johnsen are the Dresscode guys
Berlin, september 2009
Guardians of the Tragic Poet, 2009
After our Polish project we decided that we needed to get closer to the subject. We decided to go to the vacation island of Fårö in midwinter and create images where we ourselves were participants. We are very exited about the result!
Before Long, 2008
Before long we were in the Tatra mountains
We felt the pull of Krakow and the Tatra mountains and decided to follow our deadline art project to another corner of Europe. Friendly people, great mountains and lovely Krakow made it a great total experience. And, yes, the images just begged to be reproduced as diptychs.
Slipstream, 2007
Høsten 2007 besøkte vi Sørlandskysten mellom Lyngør og Lindesnes. Reisen hadde som grunnidé å utforske det som skyves unna for å gi plass til noe annet eller noe nytt.
Reisen skjedde i tidsrommet 18. til 20. september 2007.
Hopscotch, 2007
Hopscotch the islands, anyone?
The Outer Hebrides is a flat and narrow string of islands, forming a natural breakwater against the Atlantic. On the west side the Atantic rolls in with huge breakers, on the east side the sea is calm and well suited for flatbottomed ferrys connecting the entire chain of islands.
Our intention this time was to explore movement, so we decided to move as far west and north as ferries would take us. We hopscotched by car, ferry and foot on islands like Barra, Vatersay, the Uists and up to Lewis and Harris.
The Outer Hebrides are hard to get to, but easy to travel in - friendly people, few cars, lots of ancient and modern history walking hand in hand. And the sound of the wind rustling and a low, stunning sky.
Arctic Wool, 2006
Gathering artic wool?
Spitsbergen is the borderland of our deams. We spent three days getting the know the land and the people and came away richer for it.
Høstens installasjon tar oss langt nordover - tre hektiske dager på Spitsbergen med base i Longyearbyen. Lyset, himlene og naturen her åpnet øyene våre for nye måter å lolke og skildre Europas ytterpunkter.
Blue Marble, 2005
Blue Marble - Roma (2006) Tilbake til Roma. Der himmelen møter jorden og solen brenner så hett at det er vanskelig å holde seg fokusert på oppgaven. Men "blue marble" ropte på oss og vi tømte ølglasset og vandret videre.
White Noise, 2004
Vestkanten av Europa. Ukjent reisemål. Et perfekt sted å forske på tesen om at "bilderfinnes overalt". Vi tilbrakte 5 dager i Lisboa og ble kjent med et helt spesielt sted.
Bowtie, 2003
Sluttstasjon for Orientekspressen. En del av oss vi aldri kan forstå. Orienten som vil inn, som vi vil ha inn, men bare om de ligner oss litt mer.
Istanbul 2004
Gottagoback, 2002
Gottagoback was our second deadline art project. We went to Ireland and explored the entire country to to a soundtrack of Pogues and Van Morrison. Great company to discover an alternative future with. We created during the day on polaroid, digital, 35 mm film, half format and processed, scanned and printed during the night. And talked and talked and talked.
Towards the end of our journey we created am interactive solution in Flash that unfortunately is depreciated now.
Danger Key, 2001
Our first online project took us to Dresden in search of the visual meaning of Paal-Helge Haugens great poem «Danger Key». We traveled through the old iron curtain and ended up in Dresden where most of the action went down.
Here is a small text extract (in Norwegian) of the text that launched the project. Enjoy:
Et lite smil spilte om munnen på agenten med det smale ansiktet da han åpnet den falske bunnen i kofferten og tok opp Lugeren og dolken. Klokken var ni på kvelden, han hadde dusjet og skiftet. Jobben for CIA het Prop B, men Hawk kalte den gjerne Yellow Peril. All right for ham.
Hun smilte i det svakt opplyse rommet. Tennene hennes var små og hvite. Han gav henne drinken og en av de lange gulltippede sigarttene han røykte. Hun inhalerte dypt og blåste røyken ut av neseborene mens hun klemte om glasset med små myke hender. Hun snuste på konjakken. Så vred hun minkjakken av seg og lot den falle på gulvet ved siden av stolen. Brystene kom til syne. De var forbausende store og faste.
Han kjente det luktet ungpike av henne bak den tunge parfymen.