Lavasir Nordrum exhibition in Bærum Kunstforening

Video from day 4 of the installation. Things are coming together. The frustration is receding. 


Early each morning and late in the evening every weekday in the period between 6th of January to the 28th of January the exhibition changes. Lavasir projects newly created animation loops on the window of his studio. The window is facing the subway between Lijordet and Østerås station on the #2 line.

The video loops are experienced by the travelers, maybe on their way to or from work who are seated on the right side of the train during the tree seconds it takes the train to whisk by.

The same loop is transferred to Bærum kunstforening and is played on the monitors there, one every day. On the train you only have three seconds to create meaning from the fragment of information you experience. In the gallery you cand explore and create meaning in your own speed.

Video loop as seen from the subway line assisted Lavasir in setting up the dynamic link between his studio and the gallery using standard Raspberry Pi components and some clever shell scripting. Thanks to Fredrik Mathieson and Toro Andersen for coming up with the ideas.

We love this exhibition, please visit the gallery and experience it yourself.



Launching new website for Anki Gneib


«Time and Time again» [Budapest]