We are proud to introduce our fourth «Bagatelle» - a small project, where we freely explore a time and a place. We go with an open mind and explore it through images. Our bagatelles are small, unpretentious and made because we love the craft.

This time Annica and Eirik went to Buenos Aires and found something unique. A friendly, casual, rough, luxurious, colorful city with a totally unique vibe and sense of place. There are lots of things to love about the city, but first and foremost the people who live there are what makes a trip to Buenos Aires the start of a long relationship. On our way home we found that the city has been officially declared to have a unique fingerprint by researchers from the Institute of Theoretical Physics in France. They looked at 131 cities and found four basic patterns that was repeated around the globe. The first pattern (or fingerprint) only exist in Buenos Aires with medium size rectangles and squares. No other city follow this pattern. And you feel it when you’re there. It feels unique, And the people are unique. The visit is full of fragments of memory, the smell of old buses and flowers (there are flower stands on every street corner), the lush parks and gardens, the trees, the sheer variety in any given street from the rundown cleaners to a luxurious resturant and a small fruit market and a dead cool club. Old and new. Everything at the same time. Of course San Telmo and Palermo got a lot of our attention, but we walked the entire city core.

We have gathered 24 fragments of this city and are thrilled to share them with you here. We would never have understood what we saw without the generous help of Dan Branch and his wife Marina. They guided us through the chaos and into some semblance of a pattern. A fingerprint of a city, told through these fragments. We hope you will enjoy them!

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

No. 5

No. 6

No. 7

No. 8

No. 9

No. 10

No. 11


No. 13

No. 14

No. 15

No. 16

No. 17

No. 18

No. 19

No. 20

No. 21

No. 22

No. 23

No. 24

The city is full of chaos, protests, there is no faith in central government and a hair-raising inflation - it could so easily have fallen into the cliche of the Latin Amercian powder keg. Instead the city feels so alive, raw, electric and daring - we already long to come back. Annica Thomsson and Eirik V Johnsen fingerprinted Buenos Aires in September/October 2018. In november we will launch a new deadline art project with the quiet suited gentlemen, and in December we will launch our collaboration with Peter Hoelstad. So stay tuned!


pohl.se - artist website


New exhibition at Styrelsen Bar & Bistro, Stockholm